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The cause of others‘ hope
The idea of running of hope originated in 2008, when Franciscan brothers and brother Benediktas decided to realize a project to create an information and aid centre in Klaipeda for West Lithuanian oncological patients.
Then a marathon „Run of Hope“ was decided to be held in Klaipeda. During this project all funds were put in a construction of the centre.

We can celebrate, that „Run of Hope“ marathon is successfully being held every year and attracts huge runners and a crowd of kind – hearted people. Also, since first marathon in 2008, using all EU, Hope events, private sponsor funds brothers successfully accomplished an idea of oncological patient’s centre opening and it opened doors in 2014.
Due to support Services for oncological patients and their families are provided free services in this centre.
Moreover, good news is that „Run of Hope“, first held in 2008, grew up and now concludes 26 „City of Hope“ events.
Events and initiatives of the social cultural cluster “City of Hope” 2023
Klaipėda can be proud of not only the Supreme title. The port city is also called the city of Hope. Every year, the City of Hope events remind people that communion, support, and focus are on the way to surviving the toughest moments of life. The mission of the cultural and social cluster “City of Hope” is to help reduce the number of people who fall into vulnerable social groups, i.e. oncologic patients and their disadvantaged people, the elderly, the disabled, children, including children with behavioral disorders and other social exclusion, to restore their social and economic development by involving society into joint activities promoting solidarity and volunteering. The “Run for Hope”, which took place in Klaipėda eleven years ago, has grown into the “City of Hope” series of events. In 2023, the name of City of Hope will be twisted 26 times:
“100 City of Hope Works for Lithuania”: St. Mass and workshop delivery. Celebrating the 100th anniversary of the statehood of Lithuania, this event will promote the development of civil society, and through the good works and initiatives, to spread the idea of Klaipėda as the “City of Hope”.
“A look for Hope”. Celebration the Day of Autism. To purpose the children with autism disturbance syndrome to the city, to accept as different person, to help him, to invite volunteers who wish to spend time with these children in camps, during various activities, giving parents the opportunity to have a rest or to find a job.
“Dance for Hope”. The feast is for everyone, and especially for those who lack for hope. The participants in “Dance for Hope” dance not for the result, but for the smile on the face. This is a joint dance between professional and amateur dancers, representatives different age groups, dancing on a flashmob in the Atgimimo Square in Klaipėda, steps are taught a month before the event. And dance therapy for oncological patients and their relatives is organized every week, all year long, Klaipeda St. Franciscan Oncology Center.
“Concert for Hope”. Supporting Mother’s Day Concert. The event invites to solidarity and to contribute to the purchase of a concert ticket for those mothers who can not do this themselves. This year, part of funs will be spent for children with autism summer camp.
“Tennis for Hope”. Tennis event for children and adults and friendly competitions for children groups up to 7 years old, 10 years old and 12 years old. There is no entry fee for the Franciscan Assyrian Monastery in Hope Tennis, and everyone can play tennis.
“Gymnastics for Hope”. International Gymnastics Competitions, for children who engage in this sport can participate. The peculiarity of the event is to promote friendship “without borders”. Children who have Down Syndrome (“Solar Children”) also participate in the competition.
“Training Day for Hope” is an event invites to live a healthy lifestyle. At the same time, for all age groups, Klaipėda citizens will get free sport and wellness lessons, running training in the city center and in the forest, near the monastery. The trainings are led by various Klaipeda sports and health clubs.
“Aerobics for Hope” is an event that guarantees good emotions and good feelings. If you will participate, you will find that you can do sports not only healthy, helpful, but also kindly. Participating various collectives, events for pupils, tasks, competitions, prizes.
“Go ahead with Hope.” A friendly kayak competition on the Minia River and bicycle race obstacle tracks for children, adults and people with special needs (in wheelchairs). Feast evening and overnight stay in tents.
“Childrens run for Hope”. 3-8 year old children’s sprint race and feast in Klaipėda Atgimimo Square. The goal of the event is to develop a healthy lifestyle, solidarity and sociality from the small days devoted to families.
“Run for Hope”. The Marathon, awarded by the European Athletics Association 3 *. It is an international racing event for all age groups – from children to seniors – in different length tracks and age categories. The event “Run for Hope” is included in the list of city feasts, according to ratings it is one of five most popular, most visited events in Klaipeda city.
“Crowls for Hope”. International Academic Rowing / Regatta at Dane River, in the center of Klaipeda city. Young people, adults and people with special needs (moving trolley) are involved. Fight in personal and group games.
“Swim for Hope”. Friendly competitions, participate healthy and with special needs people in the age categories of men, women, adults and seniors.
“March – bathing for Hope”. There will be a feast and a renewal of baptismal promises getting into the water. The event is aimed at maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
“Feast of Jonah, playing organ music”. Winner of international organ competitions Hiroko Inoue (Japan).
“5 years anniversary organ concert”. Wagon Michael Schoch, Austria. An unforgettable performer, the first person who tried the organ in Klaipeda St.Franciscan Monastery of Assisi They have a unique organ.
“1000 kilometers for Hope”. The motorcyclist’s squad for 2 days. They ride through Lithuania on a specified route, visiting various small towns and metropolises, where they publish a message about Klaipėda St. Franciscan Oncology Center and collect donations.
“Planet of Roses” is a 8-week summer camp for children with autism syndrome. Camp is held at St.Franciscan monastery of Assisi and in the rocks in the monastery’s territory.
“City of Hope – Run for Hope. 16 years of success story”. An international conference presenting the initiatives of the social cultural cluster “City of Hope”in Klaipėda, which provides an opportunity to involve children, seniors, people with special needs in sociocultural, health, education, sports activities, solidarity with patients with oncological diseases and their relatives, promotes solidarity and volunteering.
“Little stars Run for Hope”. Children’s with specials needs, running, they bring hope for solidarity.
“Climbing for Hope”. Friendly climbing competitions that promote a sense of community, attention to focus on family activities. The competitions are possible in the categories of children, adults, families, people with special needs.
“Hike for Hope”. A festive, friendly Nordic walking adventure that promotes a healthy lifestyle, involving representatives of all ages. Opportunity to choose sports or family trails.
“Exercise for Hope” – wellness exercise therapy for oncological patients and their relatives.
“Music for Hope” – concerts and organ music therapy during all year long.
„The word for Hope “- Readings of the Scriptures, bibliotherapy classes.
„Magazine for Hope”- the news about the life of the community of the social cultural cluster “City of Hope”: joys, experiences and aspirations.