Run for Hope 2022


The Run for Hope 2023 will be on the 21nd of May 2022 from 9 a.m. till 5 p.m. in Klaipeda, Lithuania.


– TEAM: 8×8 Team Race Relay – Marathon Track. All teams (schools, organizations, companies) are invited to participate. 8 runners run 8 laps (1 lap – 5 km). Teams can be mixed. Men and women older than 16.


– PROFESSIONAL RAILS. 10 km – this year will be 10 km of the Republic of Lithuania Runway Championship.


– SCHOOLS. One class students who have collected the largest team will receive a special prize – sports shoes. STUDENTS choose to run 3 km, 5 km or 10 km distance, and class members – relatives, friends, etc. can run different distances. There are other conditions. For more information please check Run for Hope 2023 Reglament.